News Information
Glacial acetic acid is harmful to human body
add time:2020-06-18
Glacial acetic acid is an organic mononic acid, which is the main component of vinegar. Pure anhydrous acetic acid (glacial acetic acid) is a colorless hygroscopic solid. Its aqueous solution is weakly acidic and highly corrosive. Steam has an irritating effect on the eyes and nose. It is mainly used in ethylene acetate, acetic anhydride, acetate fiber, acetate and l acetate, etc. It is also used as solvent and raw material in pesticide, medicine and dye industries.
Glacial acetic acid is highly corrosive and harmful to human body. It can cause skin burns, blindness and mucosal inflammation. Therefore, appropriate protection is needed. Special gloves, such as nitrile rubber gloves, should be worn when dealing with glacial acetic acid. Concentrated acetic acid is difficult to burn in the laboratory, but it poses a combustible threat when ambient temperatures reach 39 ° C (102 ° F), above which it can explode mixed with air. Because acetic acid has a strong pungent smell and corrosive steam, the operation concentration of more than 25% acetic acid should be carried out under the eye mask.
First aid measures:
In case of contact with skin, rinse with water and wash with soap. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with water and wipe with dry cloth; in serious cases, send to hospital for treatment; If the patient is inhaled, he/she should be removed from the contaminated area and placed to rest and keep warm. If you take it by mistake, gargle immediately, give emetics to induce vomiting, and send to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment.
Protective measures:
It is recommended that operators wear self-priming filter gas mask (half mask), chemical protective glasses, acid-proof plastic overalls, and rubber acid-proof gloves. Keep away from fires and heat sources. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the workplace. Use explosion-proof ventilation systems and equipment. Prevent steam from leaking into workplace air. Avoid contact with oxidants and s.
Glacial acetic acid is highly corrosive and harmful to human body. It can cause skin burns, blindness and mucosal inflammation. Therefore, appropriate protection is needed. Special gloves, such as nitrile rubber gloves, should be worn when dealing with glacial acetic acid. Concentrated acetic acid is difficult to burn in the laboratory, but it poses a combustible threat when ambient temperatures reach 39 ° C (102 ° F), above which it can explode mixed with air. Because acetic acid has a strong pungent smell and corrosive steam, the operation concentration of more than 25% acetic acid should be carried out under the eye mask.
First aid measures:
In case of contact with skin, rinse with water and wash with soap. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with water and wipe with dry cloth; in serious cases, send to hospital for treatment; If the patient is inhaled, he/she should be removed from the contaminated area and placed to rest and keep warm. If you take it by mistake, gargle immediately, give emetics to induce vomiting, and send to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment.
Protective measures:
It is recommended that operators wear self-priming filter gas mask (half mask), chemical protective glasses, acid-proof plastic overalls, and rubber acid-proof gloves. Keep away from fires and heat sources. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the workplace. Use explosion-proof ventilation systems and equipment. Prevent steam from leaking into workplace air. Avoid contact with oxidants and s.
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